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50th Anniversary Post: 5 Decades of School Programs

In celebration of 50 years at Historic London Town & Gardens, we wanted to share photos from our school field trip programs over the decades. See someone you recognize? Let us know! Email us at

These photos from school tours in 1977 inside the c.1760 William Brown House, a National Historic Landmark.

Image description: children watching a puppet show in the basement of the William Brown House.

Image description: Students watching an apple slicing demonstration in the basement of the William Brown House.

This photo features a boy in the 1980s holding something found during an archaeological excavation.

Image description: a young boy holds an unknown object in a gloved hand. Behind him is a tarped area.

Check out Rod Cofield (now London Town’s executive director) giving a cooking demonstration in the Tenement around 2006.

Image description: a man in colonial style clothing performs a cooking demonstration involving corn for students inside a wooden colonial-style building.

Around the same time period, former William Brown House curator Vicki Lerch leads a tour through the Brown House.

Image description: a woman in colonial costume fields questions from students in the tavern room of the William Brown House.

In the early 2000s, archaeologists with the Anne Arundel County Archaeology Lab and Lost Towns Project led an excavation at the 18th century Rumney-West tavern site. The tavern is gone but stood between the William Brown House and the Carpenter Shop during the colonial period. Students sit under a large tent checking out artifacts discovered from below the tavern’s cellar.

Image description: a person stands in an excavated pit going down about 4 feet. She holds up a green bottle to a group of students sitting on the top level. Inside the excavated area are two barrels with artifacts and materials on top. A ladder leads from the excavated area to the ground level.

While the pandemic shifted the way we conduct educational programs, it didn’t stop them! This past spring, we partnered with Anne Arundel County Recreation and Parks on a series of Nature Escape programs in the gardens.

Image description: Children in life jackets wade into a rain garden, filled with water, to collect samples in the dell of the gardens. A ranger watches them.

Although our field trip programs have been impacted by the pandemic, there are still many ways to learn with London Town. Options include virtual field trips and a virtual tour of the William Brown House, monthly Homeschool Days, traveling trunks, and more! See all of the options at

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