Researched and written by Rachel Rabinowitz, Collections Manager and Visitor Services Coordinator, Claire Goode, Living History Specialist, and Teresa Marcus, Community Engagement Coordinator
Let's spill the tea on tea caddies in this object highlight video! Watch the whole series.

In the 18th century tea was a commodity for the wealthy upper classes of society. Tea caddies are designed to store this valuable under lock and key and kept the tea in a dark and cool environment.
While they can be made of many materials, including ivory and tortoise shell, this tea caddy is made of mahogany wood and contains three inner compartments.
More expensive ones can come with elaborate decorations and carvings and are still prized by collectors today.
English Chippendale mahogany wood tea caddy, mid-18th century (1987.02.01). Gift of the London Town Publik House Assembly.
For More Information
About Tea Caddies:
About Tea, Coffee, and Chocolate:
About the Annapolis Tea Party:
Grow the ReLeaf Fund
Recently, London Town launched the ReLeaf Fund. This newly created fund was inspired by the cycle of renewal in our gardens. Donations to it will ensure that London Town will grow again. Funds will be matched up to $35,000! Learn more and donate today!
London Town: Today and Tomorrow Survey
You may have noticed an increase in our online postings lately. Will you take a short survey about what posts and virtual programs you'd like? You can also share your thoughts about re-opening London Town and what sort of programs you'd like to see after the crisis is over. Take the survey here