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Community Connections with Hailey Taylor, Founder of Kittens in Cups

Hailey Taylor, Founder of Kittens in Cups lying on a pillow with a cat
Hailey Taylor, Founder of Kittens in Cups

COVID-19 has brought waves of uncertainty throughout many communities. Historic London Town would like to take this time to record the voices of some in our community who have been deeply affected. In this series, we interviewed community members to gain their insight on how they have been affected by this global event. In today’s #CommunityConnection, we’re talking to Hailey Taylor, Founder of Kittens in Cups What do you love about your job? In one word: cats. It warms my heart to be able to care for them and love them while they are waiting for their forever homes. Working with the SPCA of Anne Arundel County (AASPCA) has always been a dream of mine, and I feel incredibly lucky to be able to give back to my community. Owning my own business has also been a dream, and I feel so lucky to be able to merge my creative talents and love for animals into my dream job.

What is the biggest challenge of your job? Being a first-time business owner has definitely been a challenge. I started this venture straight out of graduating from college with only an art degree. I have learned so much about business and cat care in these 3 years of being open. We have big dreams for the future and can’t wait to continue to help cats and bring joy to others.

What is the hardest part of the COVID-19 situation?

Mainly not being allowed to open. The cats would love more people to interact with and vice versa. Financially we are hanging in there as many others are, but it has been tough. Fortunately, our community has been super supportive in helping us continue to take care of the cats. We feel truly blessed and can’t wait to share our joy with everyone when we reopen.

When this all ends what are you most looking forward to? We hope that once we are able to reopen, we can help give some comfort and peace to everyone through our lounge. We plan on doing a lot of fun craft and paint nights, and lots of adoptions!

What can people do to help your community? Right now, we encourage everyone to support one another by being kind, staying home, and being respectful. We also want to encourage others to support small businesses and their local animal shelters in any way they can. The AACSPCA is continuing to take foster and adoption applications, however there will be no private meetings allowed until after the Pandemic. We have made videos on each of our cat lounge cats for adopters as well. If you would like to support us, we have a variety of ways to do so by donating to our GoFundMe, purchasing some cat merchandise or gift cards, or by simply sharing our posts. We hope everyone is staying healthy and safe, we can’t wait to see you soon!

ReLeaf Fund

Grow the ReLeaf Fund

Recently, London Town launched the ReLeaf Fund. This newly created fund was inspired by the cycle of renewal in our gardens. Donations to it will ensure that London Town will grow again. Funds will be matched up to $35,000! Learn more and donate today!


London Town: Today and Tomorrow Survey

You may have noticed an increase in our online postings lately. Will you take a short survey about what posts and virtual programs you'd like? You can also share your thoughts about re-opening London Town and what sort of programs you'd like to see after the crisis is over. Take the survey here

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