A MESSAGE FROM ROD COFIELD, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Every spring at London Town demonstrates the amazing power of nature. For the past 14 years, I’ve watched the gardens awaken from their winter slumber. Every day, I see something new blossoming. The trees have nearly filled with leaves now. Above me, osprey fly, and at my feet, turtles crawl. Although I see this cycle renew every year, it always takes my breath away. Things are different this year. The gardens continue to look majestic, but it’s just not the same wandering them alone. Since closing to the public on March 16, London Town has been remarkably quiet. School tours have been cancelled. Our spring plant sale has been postponed. So have many other programs and weddings. While this has meant a huge loss to our revenue, London Town will survive – but only with your help. Would you consider making a gift to the ReLeaf Fund? This newly created fund was inspired by the cycle of renewal in our gardens. Donations to it will ensure that London Town (a 501c3 non-profit organization, Tax ID 52-52-1396159) will grow again.
And I’m pleased to share that your donation will be matched up to $35,000 – thanks to the generosity of London Town's board members.
I know that not everyone can give right now, but if you can, your donation will make a difference – now more than ever. Your gift will:
Keep staff employed
Keep the gardens and historic area maintained
Create new digital opportunities to engage together (such as the London Town from Anywhere blog and email series)
Plan for re-opening as quickly as possible
With your help, London Town will be here for you when this is over. Our site has welcomed all of you for the past 50 years. And I fully expect it to last another 50. Thank you for your support during this difficult time. Best, Rod Cofield Executive Director rodcofield@historiclondontown.org P.S. Did you know that as part of the CARES Act, you can claim an additional "above-the-line" deduction of up to $300 for donations made this year? Your donation to London Town counts! Donate today. Thank you!